Example projects

Quick Peek into Some Example Projects

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Community projects compilation - 2020

Gimbal controller board example - HMBGCV 2.2

Project link

This is a short video showing the setup procedure and the capabilities of the SimpleFOClibrary.

The video setup consists of:

High-performance board example - DRV8302

Project link

This video demonstrates SimpleFOClibrary support for high-performance BLDC drivers such as DRV8302 and the support for Arudino and STM32 MCU architectures.

The video hardware setup consists of:

Backdrivable Stepper motor - L298N

Project link

This video demonstrates SimpleFOClibrary support for stepper motor control using a very simple L298N driver, as well as the support for STM32 MCU architecture.

The video hardware setup consists of:

Arduino BLDC Balncing robot - Arduino SimpleFOCBlancer

This is a project of designing and controlling very dynamics two wheel bancing robot relying entirely on Arduino SimpleFOC library and SimpleFOC shields.
This is a very fun project in many ways, and I've enjoyed myself creating it, I hope you'll like it!

  • Arudino code

    Using SimpleFOClibrary and two SimpleFOCShield
  • CAD designs

    All CAD designs available for modification and STL files provided
  • Control algorithm

    Double PID cascade
  • Plug and Play

    Very simple to assemble, configure and setup.

Arduino FOC Inertia Wheel Inverted Pendulum - Arduino SimpleFOCShield

This is a project of designing and controlling the reaction wheel inverted pendulum based entirely on Arduino SimpleFOC library and SimpleFOC shield.
This is a very fun project in many ways, and it is intended:

  • Students in search for a good testing platform for their advanced algorithms
  • Everyone with a bit of free time and a motivation to create something cool :D

  • Arudino code

    Arduino UNO using SimpleFOClibrary and SimpleFOCShield
  • CAD designs

    All CAD designs available for modification and STL files provided
  • Control algorithm

    State-space LQR controller
  • Plug and Play

    Very simple to assemble, configure and setup.

Steer by wire example - Arduino SimpleFOCShield

Project link

This video demonstrates SimpleFOClibrary support for Arduino SimpleFOCShield and using multiple motors with Arduino UNO. The project examples are based on bidirectional haptic control.

The video hardware setup consists of: